Parents' Association

What is the Parents’ Association?


The Parents Association is the structure through which parents in a school can work together for the best possible education for their children. The parents association works with the principal, staff and the board of management to build an effective partnership between home and school.



What does the Parents’ Association do?


The Parents Association of St Mary’s is made up of a group of like-minded parents who want to support their child by supporting her school. Our meetings are very structured. They last for approximately one hour and take place on average four times per year.

The Parents Association operates like an extra pair of hands around the place when times are busy. It is not all about fundraising or a forum for complaints.

Where can we help?   During the school year we support our school by helping out where we can, such as the annual school musical. The parents organise the tuck shop, collect spot prizes, and hold a raffle at the end of each show featuring the spot prizes given so generously by the local community and parents alike.

Once a year we organise a bag packing day where we ask all parents to donate one hour of their time on a Saturday to help man a cash point at our local SuperValu.   There are usually two people at each register so the hour passes quickly and you would be surprised at how nice it is to meet up with other parents that perhaps you had not known before, or hadn’t realised that both your daughters were in the same year!

By attending the Parents Association meetings your will meet other parents, who like yourself, started by going to just one meeting and found that they met other parents with the same queries as yourself and who were always there to help or reassure you, that yes, your daughter will survive this journey.

Once or twice a year the Parents Association gathers to participate in a social outing such as dinner and this again helps the group to gel and become a stronger team to face the next school term.

If you think you might enjoy a little volunteer work to support St. Mary’s in supporting your daughter, come along to our AGM next September. New members are always welcome!

Annual Reports